Accueil > Post-diplômes Art > Post-diplôme Art 2024-2025 > Ramaya Tegegne

Ramaya Tegegne

Ramaya Tegegne est artiste, chercheuse et travailleuse de l’art. À travers une pratique trans-disciplinaire, Ramaya Tegegne tente de mettre en lumière les mécanismes du modèle dominant au sein du monde culturel et dans notre société. Elle a lancé en 2017 la campagne Wages For Wages Against ( pour de meilleures conditions de travail. Ce projet a reçu en 2022 un Swiss Art Award. Elle est diplômée de HEAD Genève et de la Gerrit Rietveld Academie à Amsterdam. Elle est co-fondatrice de la librairie d’art et de pensée critique La Dispersion à Genève.

Au Post-Diplôme, Ramaya développe le scénario de son prochain film. Entre fiction visionnaire et manifeste politique, ce court-métrage propose de réimaginer des lieux de résistance face aux mécanismes oppressifs et extractivistes ambiants. Il cherche à nourrir des formes de relations, de  réciprocité et de mutualité, notamment dans la transmission intergénérationnelle. Dans un futur où le neurocapitalisme et le conservatisme ont pris le dessus, on suit le parcours d’une jeune étudiante en cinéma qui retourne sur les traces de sa grand-mère : elle avait mené une grève historique dans sa jeunesse.



Ramaya Tegegne is an artist, researcher and art worker. Through a trans-disciplinary practice, Ramaya Tegegne attempts to reveal the mechanisms of the dominant model within the cultural world by observing its economy, circulation, historicisation as well as the power relations through which it has been constituted and operates today. In 2017, she launched Wages For Wages Against (, a campaign and collective for fair remuneration of artistic work and against all forms of discrimination. This project received a Swiss Art Award in 2022. She graduated from HEAD Geneva and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. She is co-founder of the art and critical thought bookshop La Dispersion in Geneva.

At the Post-Diplôme, Ramaya is developing the script for her forthcoming film. Part visionary fiction, part political manifesto, this short film sets out to re-imagine places of resistance against prevailing oppressive and extractivist mechanisms. It seeks to nurture forms of relationship, reciprocity and mutuality, particularly in relation to intergenerational transmission. In a future where neurocapitalism and conservatism have taken over, we follow the journey of a young film student who returns in the footsteps of her grandmother: who led a historic strike in her youth.

(Portugais BR)

Ramaya Tegegne é artista, pesquisadora e trabalhadora da arte. Por meio de uma prática transdisciplinar, Ramaya Tegegne esclarecer os mecanismos do modelo dominante no mundo cultural e em nossa sociedade. Em 2017, ela lançou a campanha Wages For Wages Against ( por melhores condições de trabalho. Este projeto recebeu o Prêmio Suíço de Arte em 2022. Ela se formou na HEAD Genebra e na Gerrit Rietveld Academie em Amsterdã. Ela é cofundadora da livraria de arte e pensamento crítico La Dispersion, em Genebra.

Ramaya Tegegne - Photo © Ensba Lyon