International Policy
The policy of the establishment with regard to its international dimension contributes greatly, both to the teaching dynamic and ensuring a successful academic career for students. This takes place on a number of levels:
- on the level of the teaching staff, a number of teachers are of German, Italian, English, Canadian, Dutch and American origins, and this contributes to a multiplicity of cultural and historical approaches to art and creation;
- on the level of a program of invitations to, and interventions by, artists and professional participants, and foreign universities, in various forms such as conferences, workshops, and participation in an ARC, all programmed on a regular basis;
- on the level of student participation in events abroad in the form of workshops and exhibitions and even in regularly organized study trips
- on the level of international mobility during the student’s curriculum.
International mobility
With almost fifty partner university establishments, the Ensba Lyon has increased its institutional partnerships, strengthening the establishment’s international reputation and improving its recognition, thus allowing students to perfect their training and education within the framework of a semestrial or annual study trip abroad or in the context of an extended internship with one of the many artists or professionals who participate in the artistic network of the Ensba Lyon.
With regard to the choice of its partner establishments, the school management is strongly in favor of teacher participation when renewing bilateral agreements and when drawing up new agreements when solicited by a non-partner establishment, with the goal of best catering to the pedagogical orientations of the teaching that is provided in the school
The criteria for selecting partner establishments are as follows:
- the quality of the establishment on the field of art;
- the pertinence of the country of destination or region in relation to the establishment’s international strategy.
The Ensba Lyon is fully engaged in the process of Bologna, aiming notably to favor student mobility between European schools. To do this, it participates in various programs, run by the European Community (Erasmus+ programme), by the Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and by different organizations such as the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) and even the BCI student exchange programme (PÉÉ).
In 3rd year, the student is accompanied on an individual level in the preparation, acceptation and achievement of their project of international mobility, by both their referent professors and by the department of international relations. The international mobility project takes place in 4th year and is one of the highlights of an academic career in the Ensba Lyon.